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Requested dates are subject to availability and we will resond to your booking request as soon as possible.
Car Service Pricing
Petrol Vehicles*
Basic Service
Basic Service + Air Filter
Full Service
Prices Starting From
* Please note that cars over 2012 in year and cars with long life plugs will cost more as the parts are more expensive but we will let you know before your car comes into us.
Diesel Vehicles*
Basic Service
Basic Service + Air Filter
Full Service
Prices Starting From
* Please note that some newer engines require manufacturer specified oil. If your vehicle requires one of these we will contact you before we service it.
* Please note that some newer vehicles have more expensive Fuel filters but if your vehicle requires one of these we will contact you before we service it.
* Also please note that some cars may require Pollen filters for your A/C which is not part of the normal service and would be extra but again if it is needed we would you know.
Brake Pads and Shoes
Prices on Application
Brake Fluid
Brake Fluid Change*
€59 all in
* Brake fluid should be changed every 3 years regardless of mileage.